Meet Jasper. We are guessing that he’s a Bernese X, possibly with border collie, but who knows. What we do know is this : Jasper is a sweet pup with a very outgoing personality when it comes to meeting new people, dogs and yes even kitty cats.
He LOVES humans so much that it’s been difficult for his foster mom to stop him from jumping up on everyone he meets or even greets for a second or third time around. Every time a person walks into Jasper’s life it’s like the first meeting and he has trouble containing his excitement and happiness. If he had his way he’d
live in a house full of humans of all shapes and sizes, and maybe throw in a few dogs as well as the odd kitty who won’t mind being bowled over once in a while by this boisterous puppy who has yet to learn what “personal space” means.
Jasper hasn’t been in close contact with dogs yet due to not being vaccinated but his reaction at seeing them from a distance is one of sheer excitement and there’s a lot of tail and huge bum wagging and happy vocalization going on. He
does need to learn manners and personal spaces as mentioned, but foster mom and dad are working on that and he’s a smart little fella so it shouldn’t be long. He’s also learning basic commands very well, although sometimes he still has trouble holding the command for more than a moment or two.
Jasper likes to be outdoors playing with balls and just exploring the
yard and sniffing new things, but he’ll lead the way back to house when he’s had enough which is usually not more than a ½ hour walk or playtime. He is not a high energy puppy. Some refining is needed but he’s otherwise very good with walking on leash, and is also pretty much potty trained if taken outside regularly, only 2 pee accidents in the first 2 days at foster but none since which is going on 3 weeks now.
Jasper has been kennel trained for night time sleeps, he would rather not spend any day time hours in his kennel though and can be a bit of a whiner and howler if left alone in one while you slip out for some bread and milk….he just LOVES his people sooooo much ! Anyone who wishes to adopt Jasper should note that in spite
of the fact that he’ll be a fair sized, long haired dog, he would prefer to remain a mostly indoor dog at this point. That may change with age and he could end up enjoying the outdoors more and taking longer breaks from his pesky humans who are always correcting him. Jasper seems to have a fear of loud vehicles and other things to which he’s had little exposure. Right now,
Jasper is a very cuddly puppy who’d happily share your bed with you, that’s however not allowed in the foster home because the bed belongs to the cats. Did we mention Jasper is smart ?? Yes, a very quick learner He’ll be a joy to any laid back type of family who just wants their dog to be with them all the time. Hurry and get your application in so you can have a part in the rearing and training of this absolutely lovely puppy!
Core vaccines, along with his neuter surgery, rabies vaccine and microchip will be covered by M2BL.. If you’d like to open up your heart and home to this animal in need, please fill out an application form on our website or by clicking here: Application for Adoption.