Daphne is a rare ginger, female kitten. Embodying all the orange cat things you love, in girl form.
Daphne is a beautiful bundle of energy. She may be tiny, but she has so much personality. Everything is sunshine and rainbows in Daphne's world. She loves to sing, bounce around, and have as much fun as possible. When she runs out of zoomies, she stretches out on the heat pad, with her tubby kitten belly out, and a happy smile on her sleepy face.
Daphne, like most ginger cats, will bring you more joy than you thought possible from a cat. When she's not snuggled up under your chin purring louder than a broken washer, she'll be entertaining you with her antics.
If you have a shoulder that she could cuddle on, Daphne has a lot of love to bring. Daphne would do well in a home with animals for company, and would probably do well with kids too.